WONDER CITY is an archived companion game to the PBS documentary feature film Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines. The film encourages young audiences to explore pop cultural history as a means of thinking critically, while the WONDER CITY game aims to change how we visualize power and gender.
While half of girls 8-12 play games online, most popular “girl games” center on themes like cooking, shopping, makeup, and dating, and the default protagonist of most other games is a white male. This lack of representation discourages girls and women (and others) from participating in the gaming community – as consumers and creators.
WONDER CITY undermines those stereotypes by immersing players in a world that represents a more realistic diversity in race, gender, and body image. By empowering tweens to adopt their own superhero identity, they become agents of their own values.
Get the Wonder City Act 1 Study Guide here.